I work in a service industry - a library to be exact. The purpose of our library is provide information and education to people working in the organization. It isn't doing that well at the moment, despite my best efforts. One major reason for this is my Fool of a Boss. The man is an idiot, he is rude, unsure of himself and suffers from a complete lack of any communication skills. The situation is not helped by the fact that the physical library is now tucked up behind stores - I actually know someone couldn't find it the other day when they went looking for it! So, Big Department Boss has arranged for an idependant assessment of library services. Hurray say I. Fool Boss is already running scared. Not that I have been told much at all, I hear most of what is happening through the wall as the Big Department Boss has his office next door. Fool Boss has sent me an email to say I am to talk to the Consultant with him there, no on your life sunny Jim, there is a lot I need to say that won't be said if you are breathing down my neck.
For instance. Book requests from staff for books held outside our library. Staff fill in a request form available on the intranet, which is currently passed onto Fool Boss. He prints them out and hands them to me. I process the request, find a library that holds the book, obtain the book and it is posted to us. I process the book into our organization. Fool Boss them internal mails it to client. Client has no idea I actually do the work and Fool Boss thinks he is doing a good job. This won't be continuing if I have any say in the matter.
More to come...
Further : I got an unexpected and unasked for pay rise on Wednesday - $1 an hour and some back pay. Would have been nice if something had been said beforehand. Communication skills of HR - Nil.
Further again : I got another small pay rise, this time part of the whole process in the organisation. My librarian friend got nothing.
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